Note to Self:
The Cow Jumped Over the Moon

Dear Self,

Do you feel like a cow trying to jump over the moon?

Self, first of all, you’re not a cow. Well, if I’m honest with you, which I always am, it might not hurt to lose those few (or not-so-few) unwanted pounds… then you wouldn’t feel like a cow. (lol)

No really, have you thought about an exercise program? That might take care of the cow problem.

And Self, why are you trying to jump over the moon? Let’s start with a haystack first!

  • Once you jump over the haystack, then you can try jumping over the fence.
  • Once you jump over the fence, then you can try jumping over the barn.

You do realize that if you can jump over a barn, then you can essentially jump over a building in a single-leap, which makes you a supercow?!

You may even eventually get to jumping over the moon, but don’t start there.

If you start with the moon, you may get discouraged when you take a giant leap forward and land in a prickly pile of hay.

Self, how are you going to rein yourself in and try jumping over a haystack instead of the moon? The important thing is to keep moooooving foward one haystack leap at a time. (Oh, and no matter what you think, you’re really not a cow!)


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