Life Notes Clock

Life Notes

1 minute to WIN at life

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Welcome to Life Minute!

Energize your day with a quick 1 Minute Life Note. Or, you can sit back with coffee in hand and enjoy a story, poem, or an inspiring God-moment.

Life Minute is a platform containing positive, motivational content to put a pep in your step, and add some good thoughts to your day!

Today's Life Note...

  • Note to Self:
    What’s the Prize?

    Dear Self,

    Don’t miss the true prize today! The prize isn’t any amount of money or fame. It can’t be wrapped up in a package with a pretty bow on top of it. It doesn’t glitter. It isn’t a platform to bring you recognition or adoration.

    What is the prize? The prize is so simple that it’s easy to miss its significance and walk right on by. It isn’t loud or waving it’s hands back and forth yelling “Hey, I’m over here!”

    Are you ready for the big reveal? The prize you get is today! It’s not tomorrow, not what could be, not something in the distant future, but it’s what is right now!

    The prize is the moments in today that you give yourself to others. It could be packaged in a big hug, a listening ear, kind words, a helping hand, an action of love and appreciation, a moment of laughter, or some other way you impart value into others.

    Self, the true prize that dazzles in the limelight isn’t what you can get today, but what you can give away today. The true reward is in the giving, not in the getting.

    Self, the prize is you today giving yourself away.


    In the Bible, Luke 6:38 says, “Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

    Take the challenge: Give the gift of time to someone today.

Story or Poem

The Sweater & The Kite

A cozy, soft sweater that fits just right.

A wistful idea to spark and ignite.

A roller coaster, if not for the height.

A dark moment to shine forth a light.

A wayward son that’s worth the fight.

A sticky situation, an unexpected plight.

A giggling child to laugh with and excite.

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God is not a sour pickle.

God is not a sour pickle on some days and a loving Father on other days.

God is not fickle. He doesn’t change like the wind. He isn’t bad on our bad days and only good on our good days.

It’s easy to attach God to our emotions in the moment. When we’re having a bad day we think God is mad at us and out to get us.

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Bet Ya Can't Dazzle Us!

Prove me wrong! is the perfect platform to showcase your talent, while positively impacting others. Your writings no longer need to be whispered words, penciled in a dusty notebook for no one to see. Let’s put those creative pieces where they should be… in front of a captivated audience!

And, best of all, Life Minute is a FREE platform to highlight your work.

Hi, I'm Kally

Life Minute - Selfie Stick - Kally

Hey there! I’m here to be a ray of sunshine and to put a pep in your step so you can live life fully today!

Whether you need a quicker-picker-upper to energize your day (who doesn’t need that?), or if you’re facing giants and life feels heavy and bleak, you’ve come to the right place!

I’ve been through the good, the bad, and the ugly, (as I’m sure you have as well!) and I’ve learned some life nuggets along the way. My one minute Life Notes will fuel your tank and inspire you to move forward and to find hope in the moment. Plus, if you have more time, check out the writings and God-Moments.

I know your time is valuable, so my Life Notes only take a minute of your time; one minute that motivates you to take a step forward – to help you believe in yourself, your purpose and your value. You matter! The piece you contribute to this life matters.

Keep in mind, you don’t need to conquer the world today, you just need to take one single step.

Life isn’t about taking a giant leap forward to get to that big moment, but rather those small steps and the day-by-day journey that slowly but surely helps you reach a bigger goal. Small but steady steps are the key.

Whatever you’re facing, or whatever your life ambitions are, I believe in you. I believe in the good in you. I believe you are here for a purpose, and the world is a better place because you’re here. Or, at least it can be. I believe you can get through the yuck and muck and come out shining on the other side.

Take my hand, grab your phone, and smile. Let’s take a selfie!