
God has brought me through the good and bad in life. The unexpected twists and turns. The amazingly good, cherished moments. And, the “find myself face-down in the dirt” moments.

I am who I am today because of His help. He held my hand and my heart and helped me through what I couldn’t do on my own. He reminded me that no matter what, I’m valued and loved. And so are you.

These little snippets of God-time hopefully encourage you to reach out to Him and get to know Him beyond mere religion. There are those who know about Him from way off in the distance and those who know Him up-close and personal. He is my life-line and closest friend, and wants to be yours as well.

How a huge God that created the universe even bothers with us insignificant, messed up human race is beyond my comprehension. Yet, He loves us enough that He sent Jesus to die for our sins. Jesus conquered that one big broken piece that was keeping us from approaching a holy and pure God.

Don’t worry. He knows you’re in sad shape, and that you are messed up, because we all are. He knows your deepest, dark secrets that the person next to you doesn’t know. Even so, He loves you to the moon and back (actually, to the ends of this great big universe He created.)

It’s not a religious thing really. It’s a decision to seek Him. I promise, if you ask, you’ll find Him… and not from a distance, but right next to you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you… guaranteed!