Dazzle Us With Your Creativity!

We would love to be introduced to your unique writing abilities! Life Minute is the perfect platform to highlight your work and get those words front of people where it can make a difference.

Note however, not all submissions are accepted. Life Minute focuses on content that has a creative flair and unique vibe that fits our specific criteria. We are looking for motivating, family-friendly pieces that encourage and inspire people in their day-to-day life.

You can submit multiple pieces. If your writing piece doesn’t make the cut, please don’t feel bad! It’s not that your piece isn’t good, or that it’s not extraordinary… it just might not fit our vision and purpose.

Also, because this is a free platform, there is no notification if your submission is rejected. (So, please don’t contact us and ask us why we didn’t post it!) And, if it is accepted, it may take time to post on the site depending on the number of submissions we are sorting through. I will send you an email once it is posted. You can always visit lifeminute.com and search on your name or title.

* LifeMinute.com is NOT responsible to verify the authenticity of any author’s work. However, if we find out you plagiarized someone else’s work, all your writings will be permanently removed and banned from the site!

Author / Creator Details

Please enter your contact details, so we can give you proper credit for this piece.
*** If you have previous writings submitted then you can skip the bio 🙂 ***
*Please keep it below 300 characters.
Important Note: Hit the enter key twice to start new paragraphs.
Important Note: For writings, copy the FIRST paragraph or two from your content above. (Keep it short!)
To copy content: highlight the content in your writing piece, then click the keys: "Ctrl" and "c" together.
To paste the content, go to the excerpt field and click the keys "Ctrl" and "v" together.