Riding the rollercoaster!

James 1:16-18 (NIV) “Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. 18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.

Sometimes our life is like a rollercoaster…

It’s up and down and all around. We figure one thing out, and swish, the bottom drops out from underneath us, and we’re spiraling downward. We struggle through that situation and then click-clack we’re finally ramping upwards. That is… until we get an unexpected turn that throws us for a loop.

In the midst of our rollercoaster life, there’s a God we can hang onto that is steadfast, and isn’t a rollercoaster. Unlike everything else in this life, He is unchanging with tide, and doesn’t swerve on us. He doesn’t change His mind. Who He was 2000 years ago, is exactly who He is today.

We think because we’re swerving, that God’s swerving, but He’s not.

We mess up and think He’s mad at us and wants nothing to do with us. But, the truth is, His love for us is just as strong while we’re on top of the world as when we’re in the gutter because of stupid life decisions. He loves us no matter what.

So, in the middle of life’s rollercoasters, reach out and hang on tight to a strong, steadfast and unmoving God. He is the strong tower you can lean on while navigating those tough, rollercoaster moments.

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