You have the right to be angry.

James 1:19-20 (NIV)  My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”

You have the right to be angry. Someone did you wrong and that person deserves your anger. However, here’s the bad news: If you’re a Jesus-follower, you don’t have the right to hang onto that anger.

Yep, I know you want to boomerang back with your own anger. And rightfully so… but in your case it would be wrongfully so. Spewing back anger won’t accomplish what you think it will.

You gotta let it go!

What????? But they deserve it. Yep, they do. They shouldn’t have done that to you. Nope, they shouldn’t have.

Here’s the deal. That anger isn’t going to destroy that other person, but it will eventually destroy you.

Picking up that anger is like placing a boulder in your backpack that you carry with you through life. It’s heavy. It’s burdening. It’s back-breaking. And, it’s a constant reminder of the wrong that was done to you.

That’s a lot to carry. In fact, it’s too much to carry!

Stop and drop that rock. You’ll find that life will be a whole lot easier and even enjoyable, if you let it go. (that’s called forgiveness – which isn’t because someone deserves it, but because you choose to let go of it!)

If you don’t drop that rock, life’s gonna be miserable… not for that other person, but for you.

And, if you can’t find it in yourself to forgive that offense, find it in Jesus. He’s an expert at forgiveness and dropping rocks.

In fact, Jesus can help you not only drop that rock, but climb over it. He’s also an expert rock climber… lol.

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