Note to Self:
Can I borrow a dime?

Dear Self,

Do you hear that dime jingling in your pocket? Can you reach in and pull it out? In fact, can I borrow that dime? 

Better yet… Self, can I borrow some time to go with that dime?

It may seem like a small little dime, pretty insignificant, but it’s something you have in your hands right now

This moment represents that dime. Just like sand in your hands, it’s slipping between your fingers… slowly… surely… and then before you know it, it’s gone. 

Self, today is your day! This is the moment you’ve been given. What are you going to do with it? Are you going to spend it… or put it back in your pocket for another day? 

What can you spend your dime on?

  • An idea that’s knocking on your door.
  • A special moment with those who matter most to you.
  • Reconnecting with an old friend.
  • Reaching out with an act of kindness.
  • Learning something new.

Or, will that dime remain buried in your pocket for another day? 

But the problem with keeping that dime in your pocket is you can’t use today’s dime on tomorrow. It’s only spendable today. You spend it today, or sorry to say, you lose it. 

It’s your dime though. What are you going to do with it?

Self… Can I borrow a dime for a moment of your time?


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