Note to Self:
Did You Just Sneeze?

Dear Self,

Did you just sneeze an excuse, and then follow it with an “Excuse me?”

Self, that excuse just sprayed over your life all the reasons why you can’t accomplish your dreams and goals. Quit sneezing excuses. Excuses are just messy slobber that keeps you from where you need to be and doing what you need to do.

Self, you wouldn’t need to sneeze excuses if you didn’t let yourself get cold feet in the first place. Instead, warm up to the opportunities in front of you. Don’t leave yourself out in the cold where doubt and fear ices over any possibilities and dreams.

Self, no more sneezing those excuses and slobbering over your life. There is a blazing, crackling warm fireplace in your life. Snuggle up to the flames of possibilities and see where one of those takes you.

And Self, hold that sneeze! You’re not excused!


Take the challenge: Choose a goal to warm to up to today.

Galations 6:9 – “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

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