Note to Self:
Do You Prefer Coffee or Tea?

Dear Self,

Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? I know you’re normally a coffee person, but would you consider skipping the coffee today and pouring yourself a steaming hot cup of tea?

In fact, pour yourself a nice variety of “T’s” today:

T – Talent. You’re an amazing, talented person. Do something with that talent today and don’t let it sit in the closet and gather dust.

T – Team. Don’t be a Lone Ranger today. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

T – Trustworthy. Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. “You can trust me” needs to be part of your life mantra today.

T – Taste. Venture out and challenge your taste buds with a food choice that you normally don’t eat… just for the fun of it!

T – Try. All you have to do is try your best. Remember, you don’t have to be perfect.

T – Two. Add two more minutes of exercise, two more sit-ups or two more push-ups to your routine today.

T – Tackle. Tackle the hard things today, so you can conquer those problem areas, instead of letting them conquer you.

T – Totally awesome. In case you forgot, that’s what you are!

Self, let’s skip the coffee today. Instead, pour yourself a warm soothing glass of tea with lots of “T’s.”


Take the challenge: Enjoy a cup of your favorite “T”.

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