Note to Self:
Don’t do a backflip!

Dear Self,

I know you’re good at the gymnastics of life, like jumping over obstacles, walking the balance beam, and cartwheeling here and there to make life interesting, but skip the backflip today.

Backflips bring you back to the doorstep of your past, reminding you constantly of past mistakes, and the bad things that happened in your life.

Self, those things are long gone and way past their due date! Instead of trying to look back and doing a backflip, flip forward into today’s opportunities. You can’t look both ways at once!

Self, let’s see how far you can go today if you change your focus and flip forward instead of backwards.


Philippians 3:13 “… but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.”

Take the challenge: No looking back. Find something to look forward to.

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