Note to Self:
May I Be Excused?

Dear Self,

Self, you’re not excused!

You’re not excused to leave the table. In fact, just the opposite. What are you going to bring to the table?

Just because you’re comparing yourself to others and feel like you don’t measure up, doesn’t give you an excuse to leave the table.

Just like everyone else, you’re expected to bring something! You can’t show up to a potluck and not bring anything!

What can you bring that’s in your wheelhouse? What’s your cooking specialty?

Self, you do realize that no one else can make your dish as good as you? Even if you share the recipe, it won’t turn out exactly the same unless you make it.

Whip up something yummy in your life, and start believing in yourself. Then, confidently bring your dish to the table. That is after all why you’ve been invited to life’s potluck!

Self, what are you going to bring to the table today?


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