Note to Self:
Flip the pancake or it’s gonna burn!

Dear Self,

You need to flip the pancake to the other side or it’s gonna burn!

You have to cook both sides of the pancake before you decide to take a bite.

Self, I know you’re an optimist and that you’re only looking at the positive side of the pancake; all the good things that this idea or venture can bring.

You’re a dreamer so you imagine the very best.

However, take out your spatula and flip it around, so you can consider both the pros and cons before making your decision to eat this scrumptious-looking pancake.

Self, before biting into it, be honest with yourself and consider the negatives alongside the positives. You don’t want one side burnt and the other side soggy, because then you will end up spitting it out!

Self, have you looked at both sides of the pancake? You have a fluffy blueberry pancake on the stove? Great! I’m just warning you to cook both sides before taking a bite.


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