Note to Self:
Flower Power

Dear Self,

Look at the landscaping of your life today. What flower power is in your garden?

Tulips – Use your “two lips” to speak encouraging and positive words to those you meet on life’s journey today.

Daisies – “Days cease” to slip by unnoticed when you intentionally look for ways to add value to every day.

Rose – I “rose” above the hard times, so I know that you can too!

Carnation – What in “carnation” are you thinking? Think about where that decision is going to take you before you jump in and regret it.

Baby’s Breath – We could all use more snuggly, soft “baby’s breath” in our lives.

Sunflowers – The “sun flowers” your life with warmth and promises of a brighter day.

Lilies – Take life with a “li’l ease” today. Don’t plow through your day and miss the blessings.

Daffodil – Do you prefer “daff o’ dill” pickles? Self, I’ve never heard of daff pickles, so you might need to invent them.

Marigolds – In case your forgot, you “married gold“. Treat your spouse with value and your marriage will transform before your very eyes.

Buttercup – “Butter ‘up” your life today with a smooth and creamy assortment of kindness.

Petunia – “Pet a tuna” today. That might be a little slimy though, so pet a puppy instead.

Pansy – Don’t let fear turn you into a “pansy.” Walk in the boldness and the the strength God has for you.

Gladiolus – Sing a little “glad-ee-o-la” and let’s dance!

Iris – I don’t know about you, but “I risk” the possibility of failure for the thrilling possibility of success.

Hydrangea – “Hi! Drained ya” of all your hope did it? Let’s fill ya up again with Jesus’ hope. Take His hand and let Him help you through it.

Dandelion – Don’t listen to that “dandy lion” of a voice that keeps telling you you’re no good.

Self, add a bouquet of flower power to your life today!


Take the challenge: Pull up a flower from your garden to give to someone today!

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