Note to Self:
You’re a frozen popsicle

Dear Self,

You’re a frozen popsicle, or at least part of you is.

The frozen part of you won’t move because you’re scared of what people think.

You hold yourself back, frozen in the moment, because you’re worried that you’re not good enough. Besides, no one is interested in what you have to offer anyways… at least that’s what you tell yourself.

Self, it’s time take out a hairdryer, thaw out the frozen popsicle in your heart, and do what you were born to do. Take the popsicle out of the freezer and quit letting intimidation rule your life.

No one else can fill your space. No one else can do what you can do with your unique spin on it. And, yes, you are good enough, and what you bring to the table matters.

Self, are your ready to take the popsicle out of the freezer and let the world taste what you have to offer?


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