Note to Self:
Get Out of the Ring

Dear Self,

I know you’ve always been told to play fair, but life’s not a fair fight.

In this life, there’s always something trying to steal your dreams and your ambitions out from under you.

There is that annoying voice in the background that wants to harass you, telling you that you’re not good enough, that you don’t have what it takes, and that there’s no possible way you can do anything worthwhile or great.

But Self, you’re letting that voice punch you in the gut, steal your dreams and knock you out with the 10 count! Aren’t you tired of getting beat up? Isn’t it time to stand up and fight back!? Better yet, get out of the ring!

Here’s the good news, it’s not a fair fight so you don’t have to play fair! You can break the rules and step out of the ring. In fact, that’s the only way you’re going to win the fight.

The truth is you can do great things, but, you have to get out of the ring where you’re getting beat up and stop listening to the voice of defeat.

You are good enough, and you do have what it takes to do something bigger with your life. You just have to be brave enough to step out in spite of that annoying, bully voice inside of you.

Don’t accept defeat before you even start! It’s your life. Get out of the the ring and start fighting for it! Tell me Self, how are you going to fight for yourself today?


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