Note to Self:
$100 Conversations

Dear Self,

Let’s talk, but let’s not talk about the weather. Let’s talk about something meaningful, something purposeful, something that can leave a footprint in your day and someone else’s day.

Talk doesn’t have to be cheap. Let’s make it worth something today:

The talk that spills out to those you do life with today. Let it be insanely valuable.

The talk that you speak to your coworkers and friends. Don’t offer them an empty glass of conversation, but rather a refreshing glass of meaningful words that you pour into their lives.

The talk that you have with your spouse. Season it with appreciation and value. Acknowledge your spouses’ talents and abilities and lift them up with your words instead of tearing them down.

The talk that you have with your kids. Let your conversations encourage them in their strengths, and offer words of wisdom to guide them in their weaknesses. Be their biggest cheerleader!

Self, let’s talk today, but not about the weather. Cheap talk is a dime a dozen. Why not offer a $100 worth of valuable words to someone today?


Take the challenge: Skip the dime, give the $100 bill away!

Proverbs 16:24 “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” (NIV)

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