Note to Self:
I Admire You!

Dear Self,

I admire you! Who me? Yes you!

– I admire who you are.

– I admire the potential inside of you.

– I admire the good inside of you.

– I admire the possibilities inside of you.

– I admire the things you do and the things you will do.

– I admire your intrinsic value.

– I admire your uniqueness.

– I admire your talents and abilities.

– I admire all your fun and quirky characteristics.

– I admire your individual personality.

You may think no one sees all of that in you, but I do! I admire you because you matter. Who you are matters. What you do matters. Even if you feel like you’re small and insignificant, you’re not!

Self, you’re not invisible. Instead, you’re admirable! I see it in you, and I hope that you see it in you today as well.


Take the challenge: Pass it on. Show appreciation to someone else today!

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