Note to Self:
Uugh! I just stepped in dog doo!

Dear Self,

Did you feel that squish? Yep! You just stepped in dog doo… again!

Sometimes life throws in some dog doo. You get going strong and then, squish… you step in something stinky.

So, what do you do when that happens? Are you going to get angry and just stand there, wallowing in self pity? Nope!

Self, step out of the dog doo! Take off your shoes, scrape off the do-do and hose it down.

Definitely, don’t throw those shoes away or your ambitions away because of a little dog dirt. Just clean it up so you can get back on your merry way.

I know you’re not going to chalk that “dog doo” moment up as a great achievement in your life. Instead, you’re going to learn from it and be a little more careful where you step next time.

It’s easy to be walking along and accidentally step in the dog doo that litters your path, but that doesn’t mean to stop walking the path. The path is still where you need to be.

Self, keep moving forward even if you have to step over some dog doo along the way.


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