Note to Self:
It’s okay to be bad

Dear Self,

I know that you’re not perfect, so it’s unfair of me to expect perfection. That’s way too much pressure to put on anyone… Not to mention that perfection is not even possible! 

So, I give you permission to be bad at what you’re doing or what you’re about to try next. 

You heard me right! You will be bad when you start and maybe fall flat on your face at some point. But, I know you can get back up and try again. 

Self, everyone starts out bad, no exceptions. (Even though you are exceptional, you’re not that exceptional… lol)

The bad decisions, wrong turns, mishaps and crashes along the way make you stronger, and actually better. It’s a tough way to learn, but it’s the only way to learn.

Hey, where are you going?!  

Don’t run away because I told you the truth! You have to learn the process and muddle through like everyone else. There is no shortcut. But, you can do it, I know you can! 

And, just to take the pressure off, remember, I’m not expecting perfection. I’m just asking you to give it your best shot! That’s all I ask for Self. I promise I’ll never ask for or expect anything more.

If you do that, no matter what the outcome, you’re a winner! So, Self, what are you going to try next that you’re bad at?


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