Note to Self:
Let go of the crutches!

Dear Self,

Are you crippled and hobbling around, not really going anywhere? 

Are you playing it safe and not giving yourself permission to walk out the door to try something new because you’re afraid that you might stumble and fall?

What’s crippling you and telling you that you can’t do something before you even try?

Fear. Fear is the great crippler!

Fear takes away the confidence of your own two feet, so you question the ground you’re standing on. 

Instead of stepping out, Self, you pull out your crutches, your excuses, and you hobble and wobble around, staying right where you are. Why? Because it’s comfortable and safe

Someone else can conquer the world. Someone else can do it, but not you.

So here’s my advice to you today: Self stay crippled by your fear today. Hang on tightly to your crutches so you don’t topple over.

Unless…. I wonder what would happen if you dropped the crutches in your hand and boldly stepped forward, even if that step was wobbly? 

You may find that you can walk on your own two feet… or even better yet, that you can run!

You may find that you didn’t need the crutches after all, and in reality, you weren’t even crippled to begin with.

Self, isn’t it time to let go of the crutches and find out if you can walk… or even run?


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