Note to Self:
Is that Mouse Chasing a Cat?

Dear Self,

Did you see that mouse chasing a cat? You don’t see that everyday! That’s one bold mouse!

Self, I know that getting out and trying something new, especially for the first time, makes you feel like a mouse chasing a cat.

It seems impossible, especially since you’re not good at what you’re about to try. But, try it anyways!

Self, if you dare to step out and try, you may find that you’re not as bad at this as you thought you would be. And, instead of running away from the cat, you become that little-ole-mouse that chases that scary cat away.

Okay, I know that only happens in cartoons, but Self, why not add a little animation to your life? You might be surprised when that cartoon turns into reality.

Self, are you ready to chase that cat? Or, are you gonna let that scrawny cat scare you away?


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