Note to Self:
Play Some Putt Putt Golf

Dear Self,

Today is a beautiful, sunny day to play some putt putt golf! The advantage to this activity is that you don’t have to be an expert golfer to play. You just have to step up and give the ball a tap and see what happens.

Putt putt only requires one small stroke after another to get the ball in the hole. Who knows, you may even hit a hole-in-one on your first try!

And Self, enjoy the experience. Don’t put the expectations on yourself of being a pro-golfer — Just have fun pushing the ball around and seeing if it amounts to anything.

Self, enjoy life today and find something new you can putt around with — a hobby, a game, an adventure — without the pressure of having to be perfect on the first swing.


Take the challenge: Find something fun to putt around with in your life today!

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