Note to Self:
Pour on the Ketchup & Mustard!

Dear Self,

Don’t forget the ketchup and mustard to pour over your life today. Start with the ketchup. Ketchup to the things you’ve been putting off or you’ve been too busy to pay attention to.

Apply ketchup liberally to your day by:

– Making time to laugh and goof around.

– Making healthier decisions, even though it’s hard!

– Stopping to appreciate those you meet on your path.

– Giving someone a compliment.

Going on an adventure and taking someone with you.

Reaching out to a friend you haven’t talked to in a long time.

Sparking a new interest and learning something new.

– Taking steps to break a bad habit.

– Adding a brand new good habit.

– Stopping and talking to your neighbors.

Oh, and don’t forget the mustard! Mustard up the courage and time to fit those things into your already too busy schedule, or it will end up waiting till tomorrow. And you know what I know – Tomorrow never comes!

Self, make your life tastier by pouring on some savory ketchup and mustard to make it a much better day.


Take the challenge: Don’t eat a plain hamburger. It needs some ketchup and mustard!

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