Note to Self:
Stop the bus!

Dear Self,

Stop the bus! You want to get off here!  Yes here. Yes, now. I know it’s not your ordinary stop, but this is it! This is where your heart is telling you to go.  

Everyday you get off the bus at the exact same stop, without stepping away from my same-old, same-old routine.

Today, however, you need to step out and try something new… to stretch yourself to do something you’ve never done before or go somewhere you’ve never gone before. 

Yes, it’s unfamiliar, and a little scary, since you haven’t been down this road before. But who knows what possibilities it could bring?

It may lead to nothing, but then again, it may lead to something. I think it’s worth a try, don’t you? 

Oh, and Self, I’m not saying to abandon your usual stop altogether and drop everything you know. Absolutely not! I’m just saying to add this new stop to your schedule and see what happens.

What do you say Self? Is it time to try a different bus stop and see where it takes you?


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