Note to Self:
Take the Climb

Dear Self,

Are you at the base of a mountain looking up, wondering how in the world you’re ever going to make it to the top? Are you staring at a…

mountain of debt that’s sinking you.

mountain of hurt from a broken relationship.

mountain of a task or idea.

mountain of balancing everything that is coming at you.

mountain of doubt that’s keeping you from moving forward.

mountain of anxiety that’s pulling you down.

The great big answer to climbing this huge mountain that’s staring you down is one small step at a time.

One step, then another, and then another.

I know it’s not the instant answer you were hoping for, but I promise, if you keep taking a single step forward, instead of retreating because it looks too big, eventually you will make it to the top.

Self, no more excuses! Here, take my hand. Let’s start climbing, because I promise there is an amazing view and feeling of freedom that’s waiting for you at the top!


Isaiah 41:13, “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, “Fear not, I will help you.” (NKJV)

Take the challenge: Take a single step forward today.

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