Note to Self:
Don’t let the Bleak Freak in!

Dear Self,

The Bleak Freak is knocking at your door, don’t answer it!!! The Bleak Freak is freakishly focused on how bleak things look. How hopeless the situation is. How impossible those obstacles are in front of you.

Self, it’s all a lie! Don’t let the Bleak Freak make himself at home and strategically place a dreary painting, void of all hope, over the fireplace mantel of your life.

I know it looks hopeless but it’s not! Self, look at what’s in your hand! There’s a paintbrush. And, next to you on that end table is an amazing assortment of bright and beautiful paints.

But, Self, it’s up to you to reach out and dab that paint on your paintbrush and start painting over the gray, dismal bleakness.

And, if you can’t do it on your own, then look up! The Master Painter Jesus is holding in His hand a colorful array of paints that includes forgiveness, grace, freedom from past mistakes, beauty for ashes, and joy for sadness. He is offering some beautiful colors to replace the dismal colors in your life.

Self, don’t give in to the Bleak Freak. Start adding colorful strokes to that painting above the mantel, and you’ll find life doesn’t have to be hopeless and bleak.

Get out your paintbrush!


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