Note to Self:
The Fly on the Wall

Dear Self,

That annoying, pesky fly has been buzzing around you all night long, driving you crazy! Just when you think he’s gone, he magically appears and there he goes again, buzzing and swirling around your head.

Self, get out of your comfy chair and grab the fly swatter. It’s time to kill that pesky fly!

Self, don’t let those pesky thoughts buzz around in your head any longer. You know, those thoughts of how so and so did you wrong. In fact, you’re having a pointed conversation with them right now in your head, shouting out the error of their ways and boomeranging your own slew of hurtful words back at them. After all, they deserve it! (By the way, they can’t hear you :))

Self, get out the fly swatter and squash those thoughts by forgiving them. Don’t let those thoughts of bitterness steal another moment of your life!

You do realize that you can’t change that other person, right?! The only person you can change is you! So, yes, they did you wrong. Yes, it was hurtful, but now it’s time to say “No” to that pesky fly because you choose (that’s the key word here… choose!) to forgive them, without expecting anything from them in return.

That’s soooooo hard to do, but do it anyways because the pesky fly isn’t flying around them, it’s flying around you!

Self, choose to forgive and you’ll find life is so much better without that pesky fly buzzing around your head.


Take the challenge: Get out the fly swatter and start squashing.

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