Note to Self:
The Note in Your Throat

Dear Self,

You have a note in your throat that’s waiting to come out, but you’re holding it in.

Self, don’t hold it in… You were born to sing that note!

Maybe it won’t sound amazing when you first belt it out, but with some practice and warming up your voice, it will sound better and better, I promise!

And Self, don’t try to sing other people’s notes in the choir. Those aren’t your notes to sing. You are only meant to sing your unique note, not the entire melody all on your own.

And don’t worry if someone else’s note sounds better than yours. Everybody has their own note to sing. Some are given a melodious, beautiful note, while other’s have been blessed with a quieter harmonious note. And, even though that harmony note is not front and center, it’s just as important of a contribution.

Self, do you have a note in your throat? If so, don’t you think it’s time to start singing it?


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