Note to Self:
The Thank Tank

Dear Self,

What do you have to be thankful for today? I know that way too many days the bad in your life pushes its way to the front of the line so that’s all you can focus on.

But Self, today I want you to dig deep into your Thank Tank. There is a tank full of things to be thankful for that needs to push its way to the front, instead of being buried in the background of your life.

Self, pull something good out of the Thank Tank that you are truly thankful for today. Why? Because a thankful heart makes for a happier day… and honestly, a happier life!

Self, it’s all about perspective. There will always be bad to focus on, but Self, there will always be good that you can focus on too!

Yes, you may be looking over the cliff, wondering how you’re going to jump over it, or you may just stop for a moment and enjoy the amazing view of all the good and easy-to-overlook details of your life.

By the way, maybe now is a good time to take up hang gliding???

And if you don’t think you can pull anything out of the Thank Tank, the most important thank item in your tank today is Jesus, because He’s waiting by your side to help you get through the bad and bring even more good into your life. (By the way, He’s a great teacher at hang gliding!)


Take the challenge: Find one really good thing to pull out of your Thank Tank today.

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