Note to Self:
The Villain in Your Story

Dear Self,

I know there are some chapters in your life that didn’t turn out like the fairy tale you imagined. There were villains and obstacle-ridden storylines that you wish to this day were never part of your story.

We both know that you can’t change what’s already written in the previous chapters. However, it’s not the end of the book yet! There are so many more chapters to be written!

Self, the good news is that you don’t have to let those previous chapters dictate the remainder of your book.

Surprise your readers and deviate from the current storyline. Move your life-story in a new direction… one that does have a happy ending.

Even if you do encounter more villains along the way, don’t let them sabotage your story. You don’t have to let them win. It’s your book. You get to determine the ending.

Self, how can you can be the hero in your own story?!

What do you say? Don’t you think it’s time to take charge and rewrite your story, beginning with a new chapter in your book?


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