Note to Self:
The Voice

Dear Self,

You’ve just stepped out onto this amazing platform, and you see the backs of 4 chairs facing the audience in front of you. Self, you need to sing your song so at least one chair turns!

But Self, the problem is that you aren’t singing your song. You’re listening to everybody else’s song, but you’re not brave enough to sing your own song.

Self, I want you to realize that your life also has a song to sing. It may not sound as glamorous as the person next to you, but then again you might be surprised when you actually open your mouth and start singing.

Self, start with a whisper, and then as you gain confidence, sing louder and louder, because Self, you truly have an amazing song inside of you!

And even if you don’t get a 4 chair turn, you will get at least a one chair turn… because Self, I’ll turn for you! (I know you’re me, but who doesn’t root for themselves!)


Take the challenge: Sing your life song today!

Psalms 139:14 “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

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