Note to Self:
Unravel the Knot

Dear Self,

Unravel the knot inside your stomach. Choose knot to let those knots in your life tie you up and incapacitate you.

Self, today is a new day! Start unraveling the rope and decide that…

You’re knot gonna worry about all that could go wrong. Worry just saps your energy and keeps you from knot finding a solution.

You’re knot gonna quit because the road is tough. Instead, you’re gonna plow through the mud and the muck because you know there is green grass on the other side of this problem.

You’re knot gonna let fear sabotage your day, because today is still a gift even with your problems. You’re knot gonna miss all the good because of the bad.

You’re knot gonna stand still and let the storm push you in the wrong direction. You’re gonna choose which direction you need to go and take forward steps to get there.

Self, don’t you think it’s time to unravel those knots and knot let them keep you tied to the chair? Today is the day to break free!


Take the challenge: Start loosening one of those knots!

Hebrews 12:1 “… let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…” (NIV)

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