Note to Self:
What Ya Don’t Have

Dear Self,

Why are you focusing on what ya don’t have instead of what ya do have?

This “don’t have” mentality is a constant complainer, telling you that you’re crippled and that you don’t have what it takes to do such and such.

Self, that is what’s keeping you from even trying, isn’t it?

Truth be told, we’re all crippled in some way. If you look close enough, we’re all walking around with a limp. It’s just that some limps are less obvious than others.

I know you have an obstacle blocking your way that’s difficult to climb over, especially with a limp. But, that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Self, it might take a little longer, but you can do this!

Unfortunately, most ideas don’t come pre-assembled. And, of course, once you start sorting through the idea, you’ll find some of the pieces are missing from the package. But, no worries! You can limp over to the hardware store and find that missing screw and what-ya-ma-call-it if you look hard enough.

Self, what’s in your hands right now? Let’s start with what ya do have and not what ya don’t have. I promise, it’s enough to get started.


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