Note to Self:
Your Easy-Peasy Ticket

Dear Self,

Are you still looking for that Easy-Peasey” ticket? I see you plunging your fingers in-between the couch cushions, digging up dust and left-over potato chip crumbs. (Oh, that’s where your favorite pen disappeared to!) You even scavenged through the unruly assortment of this-and-that’s buried in your dreaded junk drawer looking for that ticket.

Self, you think you lost it, but in reality, you can’t lose what you never found!

I know that somebody offered you the “Easy-Peasy” ticket, promising an unbelievably easy path to reaching your dreams. After all, why should you choose the hard way when you have the “Easy-Peasy” ticket in the palm of your hand?

Self, I hate to be the breaker of bad news, but even if you do find that ticket, it’s a worthless piece of empty promises. It won’t really get you anywhere easy-peasy or fast.

Self, don’t look so disappointed! There is a better choice. Instead of the easy-peasy road, choose the long, and difficult road… the one that’s overgrown and littered with rocks, holes and fallen branches. Unfortunately, that road is not an expressway, but rather a dirt road that requires slow and steady travel.

But Self, here’s the good news… that road will take you where you want to go, unlike your imaginary, easy-peasy ticket road. And, of course, there is a pot of gold waiting at the end of that hard and difficult road. (Well, maybe not an entire pot of gold, but some valuable and rewarding takeaways and achievements!)

Self, are you going to drop that “Easy-Peasy” ticket in your hand that takes you to the expressway, or are you going to take the dirt roads that actually lead to your destination?


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