Note to Self:
Your Shirt is Inside Out!

Dear Self,

Pssst… Not to embarrass you, but your shirt is turned inside out. Everyone can see your tag! Now they all know what size you are… lol.

Self, find a restroom and change your shirt around before anyone else notices!

While you’re at it, what about switching something else around? What if you lived your life inside-out today instead of outside-in?

What would that look like?

Instead of getting hung up on outward appearances and the hustle and bustle of the moment – what if you stopped and listened to that inner voice that’s trying to get your attention?

  • The voice that prods you to stop what you’re doing and say “Hi” to that person.
  • Or, reminds you to hug your kids before they shuffle quickly out the door for school.
  • Or, the voice that prods you to pick up your phone and have a live conversation with so and so instead of thumbing a quick text.
  • Or, the voice that whispers in your ear to help someone out.

Self, the outside you is too worried about the outside stuff and the tasks of the day. But, the inside you is willing to look inward and step out of the busyness to re-prioritize your moment.

Self, it’s kinda backwards, but why not try living inside out today? (Just not your clothes!)


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