Note to Self:
You’re Watching a Rerun?

Dear Self,

You’re watching a rerun? But you already know what’s gonna happen!

Wouldn’t it be better to watch something new?

Ohhhh, you’re not watching a rerun, you’re living a rerun!

Self, I’ve seen this show before. I know exactly how it ends. Badly! So, why are you doing the same thing over again? Don’t you remember how it ended last time?

Self, I know that it’s easier to follow the familiar, well-trodden path that you’ve been down before, but STOP!

Yes, this path is enticing and keeps calling your name, but really?! Do you want to muddle through the same consequences all over again?

Self, hit the power button to turn this rerun off! What do you say that we try a new show this time?


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