What is the Language of Heaven?

The language of heaven, “heaveneze,” isn’t just words written on a page from the most renown book of all time, the Bible. It’s not the crinkly pages themselves that speak the language. Rather, it’s the living and breathing Word of God behind the pages.

The language of heaven translates from a written source directly into a life-changing meaning and purpose that etches its way into our hearts. It travels from mere sight or hearing to the inner core of our being and becomes alive inside of us.

How do you speak heaveneze? It’s not so much what you say but what you do. The language of heaven is action-packed. It’s not a “sit down and speak” language. It’s a “get up and move” and be the hands and feet of Jesus language. There are no words without action in heaveneze. In fact, this language is often spoken as actions without words.

Heaveneze is a whispered word in your heart. It’s not loud and obnoxious. Instead, it’s thoughtful and insightful. It’s a barely audible word that you might not hear unless you stop what you’re doing in the moment and just listen.

Sometimes the language of heaven is as small as an inkling that is easy to miss. Sometimes it’s a voice that roars with strength inside of you because it’s standing strong on principle in spite of the waves crashing over you. Sometimes it’s a sorrowful heart cry as you see the injustice and pain of those around you.

Sometimes the language of heaven is spoken directly to the Father as you speak praise and thanksgiving, not just with your words but with your heart. Sometimes it’s a one-on-one conversation and communion with the Father, a relationship that stretches beyond a Sunday-morning religious duty.

The language of heaven is a language that can’t be separated from your daily life. It’s a part of everything you do.

Those around you may not understand this language. It speaks of forgiveness and selflessness, of charity and principle. It baffles some while challenging the life values of others so they don’t want to hear or acknowledge it. Choosing to speak and live the language of heaven is not always a popular choice.

Sometimes the language of heaven is spoken softly in the background. You hear it In the laughter of a child… in the embrace from someone you love … in the smile of an angel that you don’t even know is an angel.

The language of heaven is summed up in one powerful word… love. Not an earthly, limited and conditional feeling sort of love, but a love that is beyond our imagination that expands beyond the expanse and languages of the universe. It’s translated into a once-for-all sacrificial, unmerited love.

This heavenly language is spoken daily in the sun that faithfully comes up in the morning … and in the shimmering array of colors in the sunset. It is wrapped up in ultimate beauty… ultimate forgiveness… ultimate grace.

Heaveneze is a language of simple belief. It enables you to dance in the rain and to rise above life’s many pain points. It’s a language of strength and resilience… of facing the impossible and sometimes even stepping into the miraculous.

The language of heaven embraces those from all earthly languages. It’s nonexclusive to any one group of people. It speaks life, hope, value and love to every single person in mankind. It speaks truth… it cannot lie. It’s a transforming language that speaks hope in the midst of despair. It speaks freedom to those bound by the chains of sin and shame. It speaks acceptance to those who have experienced rejection and have been beaten down by the world. It speaks beauty into the ashes of our brokenness. It speaks value and forgiveness into our many flaws and failures.

The language of heaven can’t be confined to mere words. It starts from the very throne of God and reaches down to touch every human soul. It’s primary message is the act of redemption painted with a heavy cross of suffering and a hell-inflicted death. But it didn’t end there! Jesus championed over death and hell with His resurrection so we wouldn’t have to experience what he did. His life for ours. His suffering for ours. His payment and deliverance for our life debt of sin.

But not everybody hears or accepts this language. Satan tries to muffle its voice with daily busyness, selfish entitlement, deceiving lies, and all sorts of shiny sins that won’t deliver the end results that were promised. Those things are just a distraction to lure people from the truth, from hearing and receiving the language of heaven. But this language still whispers in the darkness. It can’t be silenced. And, it will continue to speak in the hopes that some will hear and accept the words that deliver unmerited love, grace, forgiveness and ultimate truth.

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