I Lost the Quiet

I lost the quiet…

It’s being drown out from the noise inside my soul.

I let the noise muffle the peace that is supposed to fill that space.

Instead, my soul is shouting out turmoil, pain and regret.

Come back quiet. Where are you hiding?

Oh, there you are… at the feet of Jesus.

Do you see His outstretched hand?

He’s holding out His hand of peace to exchange for your pain-ridden heart.

It’s yours for the taking.

It seems too simple to just ask. But that’s all I can do is ask.

“Please Jesus, heal my heart and fill me once again with your peace.”

Oh, there it is. I feel it now.

His grace overshadowing and filling in all the hurtful crevices of my heart.

Replacing brokenness with grace and peace.

I found the quiet again.

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