The Wherewolf

There is a Wherewolf in the

whereabouts of your mind

huffing and puffing

and trying to blow your ideas down…

so you stay put

where you are right now.

Wherein lies the problem

that without starting somewhere

with your ideas

they won’t go anywhere.

In fact, you’ll be on the road

to nowhere

which doesn’t lead elsewhere.

Rather, it only circles around to

to where you’ve started.

Everywhere you look

there is a reason for those ideas

to stay locked up within the confines

of the familiar whereabouts

where life is comfortable.

But isn’t there anywhere

else you would rather be?

Where your ideas can

take root and grow

and even take you

somewhere new?

What would happen

if you dared to look elsewhere?

I know it takes wherewithal

to step out and go somewhere

you’ve never been.

But, don’t let that scary

Wherewolf’s huffing and puffing

keep you from where you’re

really supposed to be…

Whereby you look back someday

And sadly, wish you had

looked elsewhere

or at least tried to go somewhere

with your ideas.

Instead of holding on tight

and letting those ideas

go nowhere.

Nowhere at all…

because you listened to

that Wherewolf.

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