Twas the Night Before Christmas…

Twas the night before Christmas

When I awoke with a fright

With THINGS on my mind,

THINGS of all kinds!

THINGS for my children,

THINGS that excite,

THINGS on my charge card,

THINGS I thought were

the essence of life.

The fishing pole I hoped for,

My daughter’s new bike.

The bright yellow skateboard

with a bold purple stripe.

The red pullover sweater

that didn’t fit quite right.

The what-ya-ma-call-it

that blinked in the night.

THINGS I knew were

the biggest and best.

Everyone knows

I couldn’t settle for less.

When all of a sudden,

A vision of light

came shining through

this confusious sight. 

A baby lay quiet

in a small stable stall

With NO THINGS around Him,

NO THINGS at all.

Yet someTHING was different,

I watched it with awe!

I knew He had someTHING

To give to us all.

What could it be?

I thought and I thought. 

And then I just knew

It wasn’t a THING,

But the greatest gift of all! 

His life He would give,

A gift that would last

beyond what we see

when our life is the past.

Forever with Him

is the present He gives

It cannot be earned 

All we need is to ask!

Lord Jesus, I know

You lived and You died.

No THINGS that I have

will ever satisfy.

And some day when

I see You Face to face,

I can offer You NoTHING 

except the grace that You gave.

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