Cinderella’s Shoes

Ouch! These shoes are a tad too tight, rubbing irritably on the edge of my foot. My feet are starting to complain and blister. But, in spite of the lightning bolts of pain with each step I take, I really want to fit into these glass slipper shoes. They are so sheik and glamorous that everyone will ooo and ahh as I pass by and notice me.

Someone walked by earlier with these exact same shoes. I was so impressed that I knew I just had to have a pair.

I decided to trade my old shoes for these new glamour shoes. I threw my old shoes, the ones that were broken in and fit just right, in the back corner of my closet.

Thankfully, I was able to squeeze my feet into these strikingly beautiful pair of shoes, even though they weren’t a perfect fit. But now I’m trying to hide my limp, masking the pain with a fairytale smile plastered on my face.

Everyone thinks I’m enjoying this moment, but truth be told, I’m in agony! It’s not at all as I pictured it to be. I thought this is what I really wanted and needed to impress certain people around me.

They are impressed… at least I think they are. Aren’t they? But I’m no longer impressed, because this isn’t really me. I’m trying to fit into someone else’s shiny, elegant shoes that are uncomfortable and painful to wear… shoes that can’t take me places that my old shoes could.

Maybe my old shoes weren’t so bad after all. Yes, nobody noticed them because they weren’t glitzy and all dressed up. But, I could run, climb, and track through the mud with my old shoes. I could go to amazing places and meet interesting and fun people along the way.

With my old shoes, I may not have stood out in the crowd and perhaps no one noticed me, but I was happy.

I’ve changed my mind! I’m throwing away these new glamour shoes and digging out my old shoes from the back of the closet. I’m no longer worried about impressing people. I’m going back to my broken-in, comfy shoes that fit just right.

No more Cinderalla shoes! I’m going back to being me.

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