I Lost My Horse

My 2-year-old son ran frantically into the room, with sad puppy-eyes and panic spouting from his voice, exclaiming, “Mom, I lost my horse!” (That would be his plastic toy horse of course).

An immediate picture came to mind. I pictured the Lone Ranger quickly exiting the rickety old saloon, taking one giant leap forward, as he fully intended to land on his trusted horse Silver to save the day! However, he was taken by surprise, when instead of landing on his horse, he landed smack-dab on the hard, unforgiving ground, with dirt flying every direction, as he painfully cried out, “Ouch!”

The obvious thought rampaging through the Lone Ranger’s mind at that very instant was, “Who stole my horse?!”

Isn’t that how life is sometimes? You lose your horse, and instead of that glorious moment you always dreamed of, you encounter a very uncomfortable and painful “landing in the dirt” moment.

It leaves you stunned, not knowing what to do next.

What do you do next?

Well, I’ll tell you what to do. Don’t just sit there feeling sorry for yourself, go find your horse!

Your horse is out there, you just gotta find it.

Yes, it’s not comfortable. In fact, it’s embarrassing that you lost your horse in the first place. But, truth-be-told, we’ve all lost our horse at some point in life and found ourselves in the desert, wandering around looking for a lost horse.

And, if you can’t find your horse, because it bolted to another city, then go find another.

The point is, don’t leave yourself horseless. Everyone needs a purpose to saddle up and ride… a purpose to get up in the morning that will take you places and get you where you’re supposed to be.

Did you lose your horse?

What are you waiting for? Start looking! I’m sure one day soon you’ll find your horse again and I’ll hear a shout in the distant horizon,“High ho Silver, away!!!!

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