Two Different Islands

We’re standing on two different islands, you and me.

I can see you in the not-too-far-off distance, doing your thing on your own island. I cup my hands together and yell as loud as I can, “Hey, I want to talk to you!” but the distance between us is too far. No matter what I say and how hard I try, you still can’t hear me. The strong gusts of wind and the rocking expanse of waves are keeping us apart. 

Even though I can see you off in the distance, it seems as if we are more than an island apart, we are worlds apart. At least that’s what it feels like. There is no connection point. Our hearts and lives are focused on two different viewpoints.

But the truth is, we aren’t worlds apart, we’re just an island apart.

If I really want to, I can try to fix this. How? A boat. I need to leave the safety of my shorelines and row over to your island. However, the waves are choppy between us, and the wind is blowing the wrong direction, which will make it even harder to get to you.

Before, when we were on the same island, you said some things, and I said some things, and misunderstandings started to fester between us. Feelings were hurt that caused us to drift two different directions, and eventually to two different islands, leaving turbulent water between us.

But I don’t want it to stay that way. I realize that it’s going to take some effort to get to your island, especially since I’ll be rowing against the wind. If I do this, there will be rough waters to navigate through. However, I’m willing to take the chance. I’m willing to jump into the boat and give it my best to get to where you are so we can make amends.

And, if the water is too rough, and I’m all out of breath and I can’t quite get there, that’s okay. Because I’m not giving up; I’ll try again another day to get from my island to yours.

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