Kally Stehouwer

My Bio

Who am I? I’m just an ordinary person like you. I have a passion to help others to not lose heart and to be confident in their God-given value. My purpose is to add “smiley-faces” to your day. (At work, I’m known for my smiley faces in all my emails :)

I went through much of my life feeling small, when I measured myself to people around me. If we do that though we will always fall short, because you can always find someone who’s more “gifted” than you.

But here’s the kicker. Those that you’re “competing with” don’t have your unique signature and twist that you and only you can add to life. So, guess what? You’re exactly who you’re supposed to be! So go out and be happy with being you.

Don’t hold back. You’re needed just the way you are! :)

My Writings


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